Inspire Coaching is a Basel based company,
that offers the personal touch
Are you someone finding it difficult to cope with excess pressure in your role, feeling overloaded and overwhelmed? Do you feel the need to become more resilient? Or are you someone planning to retire or are losing your role due to company reorganisation and finding it difficult to handle. We offer comprehensive coaching and development to support individuals, leaders and their teams, and organistaions to deliver high performance regardless the environment they are woking in.
Coaching for individuals, teams, and leaders to build trust, engagement and empowerment in self and organisations.

Everybody has the resources they need to be at their best and deliver high quality work. Sometimes though the environment they are working in makes life tricky and getting hold of those resources is difficult. When this happens our high performance suffers, our inner self talk can really start to sabotage our efforts and we slip into a downward spiral without seeing a way out. Our Personal Resilience program is your way out of the darkness back to being the high performer you know you truly are.
Leaders often need help too. Not necessarily in their technical ability but more often in the softer skills of leadership that really make the difference. We run coaching programs and workshops in developing Emotional Intelligence for Leaders, StrengthsFinder and the Resilience Advantage programs for those leaders that want to go from good to great.

The High Performing Team is the golden chalice, isn’t it? But how do you actually get there. At Inspire Coaching we are certified an licensed to run workshops in Emotional Intelligence, Gallup StrengthsFinder, and the suite of tools from Human Synergistics, as well as our signature workshop Activating the Heart of Teams to build trust, develop giving and receiving feedback and hold psychological safety for all.
Around 1 in 4 people in Switzerland suffer from mental ill-health impacting meaning businesses heavily impacted reduced performance and productivity.
Mental Health First Aid for Adults is a certified course which aims to equip practitioners with the knowledge to recognise early signs of mental ill-health in themselves and others gaining a thorough understanding of what to do, when to do it and how.
Our Conversations for Managers workshop provides leaders with confidence in handling those crucial mental well-being conversations.

Become more confident in yourself and
inspire those around you to succeed. Leadership is complex, and we are here to make your path easier and faster.
To build a diverse, inclusive and empowering community of leaders, where we help each other grow, Challenge yourself, live your values and make a difference by making tangible change in your world.
We have provided innovative, bespoke and human leadership development, team building, coaching & consulting services to …

Become the best leader you can be, promote harmony throughout your organisation, and grow as an individual and as a business
- Making better decisions, faster
- Becoming more comfortable, resilient, and focused
- Embracing challenging conversations early
- Building a stronger team (and board), who can debate robustly and hold each other accountable
- Creating clarity for your team and organisation
- Refining and developing your leadership style and skills